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Howto setup and change the timezone on Debian 8 Linux systems
In this mini post, I’ll show you how to set or change the time zone on Linux systems (Debian Family “Debian 8 “jessie” and earlier – Ubuntu Linux”). Setting up the correct time zone for your Linux server is a simple but very important task. All your Linux machines mustRead More
Howto setup and change the timezone on CentOS 7 Linux systems
In this mini post, I’ll show you how to set or change the time zone on Linux systems (RPM Family “Redhat /CentOS /Scientific Linux releases 7/6/5 and earlier – Fedora Linux”). Setting up the correct time zone for your Linux server is a simple but very important task. All yourRead More
Howto know which package provides a command or a file in RPM Linux systems
In this mini post, I’ll show you how to find which package/application provides a command or a file or even a directory in RPM Linux family “Redhat / CentOS / Scientific Linux releases 7 / 6 / 5”. We will use both yum and rpm to find the package whichRead More
Howto run and execute a command using SSH on a remote machine
In this mini post, I’ll show you how to run and execute a command using ssh under UNIX, OS X, *BSD, and Linux operating systems on a remote machine. The SSH client program can be used for logging into a remote machine or server and for executing commands on aRead More
Howto rename a xen vm “domain” using xl and xm
In this mini post I’ll show you how to rename a xen virtual machine “domain” using either xl or xm management tools. suppose for any reason you want to rename a xen vm from ABC to DEF, we have two options to rename a xen domain “VM”. Option 1: UsingRead More
Howto remove “sudo: sorry, you must have a tty to run sudo” on Linux Systems
In this mini post I’ll show you how to enable sudo command to run remotely on Linux systems (RPM Family “Redhat / CentOS / Scientific Linux releases 7 / 6 / 5”). This mini post will solve this error message “sudo: sorry, you must have a tty to run sudo”Read More
Howto allow ruby on rails 4 app to be embedded into another website via iframe
In this mini post I’ll show you how to embed your ruby on rails 4 app into another website via frame or iframe. In general it’s responsibility of the web server “nginx, apache, etc…” to modify “X-Frame-Options” header to allow other sites to frame or iframe your site, and byRead More
Howto resume large files transfer using rsync
In this mini post I’ll show you how to use rsync to transfer large files between servers, and resume the transfer if the connection interrupted. Any interruption in the established rsync connection between servers when transferring small files isn’t big deal “resuming rsync will start from the last successful transfer”,Read More
Howto limit rsync from using all the available bandwidth
In this mini post I’ll show you how to limit, and control rsync from using all the available bandwidth “limiting it’s download or upload speed” when using this important command. There are many usages for rsync, i.e copying files between servers “source, synchronizing files between two servers, and destination”, andRead More
Howto disable firewalld, and start iptables firewall on CentOS 7 Linux system
In this mini post I’ll show you how to stop, and disable firewalld, then install, and enable iptables on CentOS 7 Linux system. In RPM Linux Family release 7 iptables firewall is not the default firewall, instead of it Redhad/CentOS is using Firewalld as the default firewall in any installationRead More