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How to Install Redis server 2.8 and higher “latest Redis” on Debian 8/7 “Jessie/Wheezy” Linux systems


In this mini post I’ll show you how to install and configure the latest redis-server on Debian 8/7 Linux systems. Sometimes you need to use a certain version of redis or any of it’s later versions for your apps to work correctly. Here’s I need to install redis-server > 2.8Read More

Howto reset the forgotten root password (Access single user mode) in CentOS/RHEL 7


How many times did you need to reset the root password for CentOS/RHEL 7? or How many times did you need to login to CentOS/RHEL 7 in a single user mode to perform some fixes for you Linux box?. For me, I had to login many times, and I expectRead More

Howto reset the forgotten root password (Access single user mode) in Debian/Ubuntu


How many times did you need to reset the root password for Debian/Ubuntu Linux? or How many times did you need to login to Debian/Ubuntu in a single user mode to perform some fixes for you Linux box?. For me, I had to login many times, and I expect you’llRead More

Howto reset forgotten MySQL/MariaDB root password


Have you ever forgotten the root password on one of your MySQL/MariaDB servers? No? Well maybe I’m not as perfect as you. In this mini post, I’ll show you an easy way for resetting MySQL/MariaDB root password in case of forgetting it. All the needed from you is having aRead More

Howto reset the forgotten root password (Access single user mode) in CentOS/RHEL 6


How many times did you need to reset the root password for CentOS/RHEL 6? or How many times did you need to login to CentOS/RHEL 6 in a single user mode to perform some fixes for you Linux box?. For me, I had to login many times, and I expectRead More

How to Switch to Another Ruby Version (temporarily, per project, or globally) Using rbenv


In this mini post I’ll show you how to switch to another ruby versions using rbenv. Unlike RVM, rbenv does not offer a command like rvm use but will always respect your project’s .ruby-version file. You have several options: rbenv shell rbenv local rbenv global But choose wisely, for whileRead More

Howto remove / fix “Gem::LoadError: can’t activate rake- v1 , already activated rake- v2″ on Ruby on Rails


In this mini post I’ll show you how to switch to the correct rake version your rails app needed instead of the one already activated. I faced the following errors when I was deploying my app. Here’s the error I faced “SSHKit::Command::Failed: RAILS_ENV=production bundle exec rake assets:precompile exit status ”Read More

Howto Setup Timezone in php.ini or PHP Script on Linux Systems


Setup the default timezone is very necessary for proper data processing send from various countries. This article will help you to know how can we setup a default timezone in PHP configuration file (php.ini) or inside any php script for temporary use. Part 1: Setup Timezone in php.ini To setupRead More

Howto use if condition to compare strings in shell scripts


In this mini post, I’ll show you how to do string comparisons using if condition in shell scripts. Sure, All systems administrators did this string comparisons at least once in the scripts they created to facilitate and automate their daily tasks. I’ll use  only the string comparison part from ifRead More

What is the Difference Between Fedora, Redhat, and CentOS


In this mini post, I’ll discuss the differences between Fedora, Redhat, and CentOS Linux systems. The three systems “Fedora, Redhat, and CentOS ” are members of RPM Linux systems. People are often confused by the relationship between Fedora, Redhat, and CentOS. Are they the same company? Is one another versionRead More