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Howto Setup Timezone in php.ini or PHP Script on Linux Systems
Setup the default timezone is very necessary for proper data processing send from various countries. This article will help you to know how can we setup a default timezone in PHP configuration file (php.ini) or inside any php script for temporary use. Part 1: Setup Timezone in php.ini To setupRead More
Why downtimes occur X hours later in icinga monitoring server installed on CentOS/Redhat Linux systems
In this mini post I’ll show you how to fix and set the correct timezone on your icinga monitoring server with icinga-web V1 installed on CentOS Linux systems. I’m using icinga to monitor all my Linux servers and it works very good, I always receive mails when any error occurs.Read More
Why downtimes occur X hours later in icinga monitoring server installed on Debian/Ubuntu Linux systems
In this mini post I’ll show you how to fix and set the correct timezone on your icinga monitoring server with icinga-web V1 installed on Debian Linux systems. I’m using icinga to monitor all my Linux servers and it works very good, I always receive mails when any error occurs.Read More
Howto use if condition to compare strings in shell scripts
In this mini post, I’ll show you how to do string comparisons using if condition in shell scripts. Sure, All systems administrators did this string comparisons at least once in the scripts they created to facilitate and automate their daily tasks. I’ll use only the string comparison part from ifRead More
How to Reduce the Size of an ext2, ext3 or ext4 Filesystem on Linux Systems
Objective To reduce the size of an ext2, ext3 or ext4 filesystem Background Reducing the capacity of a filesystem on a resizeable block device (such as a partition or logical volume) is a two-step process: Reduce the size of the filesystem by the required amount. Reduce the size of theRead More
How to Increase the Size of an ext2, ext3 or ext4 Filesystem on Linux Systems
Objective To increase the size of an ext2, ext3 or ext4 filesystem so as to completely fill a block device Background Increasing the usable capacity of a filesystem on a resizeable block device (such as a partition or logical volume) is a two-step process: Increase the size of the blockRead More
How to Setup NTP Server on CentOS 7/6/5 Linux Systems
We have running approximate 50 systems on our LAN. In which most of the systems are running with Linux operating system’s and few of them are running with Windows and MAC.In this setup we will configure one of Linux system as NTP sever which will be synchronized from public NTPRead More
How to Change Last Commit Message in Git
We can update last commit log using –amend option in git commit. Use the following command to do it but remember that if some other has already sync your changes then they again need to sync your code to avoid any future problems related to this. $ git commit –amendRead More
Git – Create Remote Repository
In this chapter of Git Tutorial, You will learn how to create remote git repository on remote server which will be used as centralized repository by developers. All the developers needed to make a clone of this repository on their local system to start work. They can also add thisRead More
What is the Difference Between Fedora, Redhat, and CentOS
In this mini post, I’ll discuss the differences between Fedora, Redhat, and CentOS Linux systems. The three systems “Fedora, Redhat, and CentOS ” are members of RPM Linux systems. People are often confused by the relationship between Fedora, Redhat, and CentOS. Are they the same company? Is one another versionRead More